Ratbone Is Holding A Fundraising Raffle!

To help us cover the cost of Gracie's medical expenses, Ratbone is holding a fund-raiser (please see Gracie's photos, video & story here) November 23rd thru Dec 21. The winners will be selected on December 22nd.
3 Prizes will be awarded!
3 Prizes will be awarded!

*Your Choice Of TWO BUB Dog Coats Graciously Donated By Our Generous Friends At Bub Coats (http://www.bubcoat.com/)
The first number chosen will get their choice of three available prizes; the second will choose from the 2 eremaining prizes; and number 3 will win the remaining prize.
Additionally, all winners will receive a tapestry cell phone holder donated by our wonderful friends at Vegas Rock Dog (http://www.vegasrockdog.com/)

Tickets are $5 each, 3 for $10, 6 for $25, and 14 for $50. 100% of the proceeds of this fundraiser will go toward paying off Gracie Mae Ratbone's surgery ($1,000+) and if anything beyond that is raised it will go into Ratbone's general vetting fund. Please visit out website page here for more details on Gracie and her surgery, the raffle, and how to purchase tickets.

* The winner of the Bub Coat will select from the specific donated coat colors & sizes. Please visit our website page here for more details.
Donations to Ratbone are tax deduxtible
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